Open And Operating As Normal In Lockdown 2.0

Following Boris Johnson’s national announcement on Saturday 31 October, we are pleased to announce that we are still able to operate more or less as usual.

Most importantly, we are equipped to help patients facing dental difficulties. We are able to fix that broken filling, cement back that crown that has fallen out, and investigate that relentless headache.

Please find peace of mind in knowing that we are always here to help and give you advice, no matter what happens. Our phone line remains open at 01234 261 881. We are currently answering your calls past our normal business hours to ensure you receive the care you need.

Simplifying Boris Johnsons’ Message

We assure you that attending your dental appointments safely falls within the government guidelines, even if it is simply for a check-up or hygiene visit. Your healthcare is considered a necessary service, and all patients have been encouraged to carry out their routine dental appointments.

At St. Peter’s Studio Dental Clinic, we pride ourselves in keeping abreast with all of the latest changes in the protocol relating to the Coronavirus and dentistry. We endeavour to keep you informed every step of the way.

Why It’s Important To Not Postpone Or Cancel Dental Checkups

Throughout the pandemic, we have been shocked by the effects of delayed dental check-ups.

For example, we have been noticing cavities much later than we normally would have. Further, changes in patients’ habits, such as increased sugar and alcohol intake and relaxed dental hygiene, have proven detrimental to the mouth.

Our job moving forward is to get you motivated, educated and back on-track at your next appointment.

We take this responsibility very seriously. In addition to oral cancer screenings, checking your jaw joints and looking at your teeth and gum condition, dental screenings and routine check-ups have become more important than ever to spot certain illnesses in their early stages.

Further, if you are suffering from other medical conditions unrelated to dentistry, we may be able to help you be seen by the appropriate medical practitioner.

You Are In Safe Hands

We are delighted to share the news that we have now been open to a vast range of dental treatments since the end of May.

You may have already seen us in varying states of dress with our multiple PPE dress codes. We’ve worked in full-fledged ‘space suits’, blue ‘smurf outfits’ with full-face ventilators, to just a mask and visor.

If you’ve yet to see us in this attire in the surgery yet but would like a laugh, there have been many images posted in our media marketing messages! In fact, we pride ourselves in creating our own marketing and video messaging as it establishes our authenticity in our messages to you. We are always looking for fresh feedback on our messaging and operations and would love you talk to you about any ideas you may have.

How We’ve Changed the Way We Operate to Keep You Safer

The transition period during the first lockdown allowed us to prepare for how we will operate moving into this next lockdown.

If you are in need of an emergency appointment but would like a chat over the phone first, we will gladly arrange a call. If you would like to discuss your vulnerability status with regard to the Coronavirus, we can help with this as well.

During this time, please do not feel pressured to come into the office for every question you have. We promise to keep an open line of communication, whether you call us at 01234 261 881, text us at 07516 065 414, or email us at These options allow you to reach out to us at any time, through any method of communication that best suits you.

Please note that while we are happy to receive texts and emails, these may not be answered until the next business day.

Extended Opening Hours

We have extended our opening hours to ensure we can help more of our patients. We are now working until 8pm every Tuesday, as well as on one Saturday each month.

Throughout this lockdown, our amazing team at St. Peter’s Studio Dental Clinic has provided the flexibility to work these extended hours. Instead of announcing we are fully booked, we now search for schedule solutions that allow us to promptly meet the dental needs of our existing and new patients.

New Appointment Booking Software

Some of you may have noticed that we have changed our software package. Please be reassured that although this software package is supplied to us by Software of Excellence, any information you share on the dental portal comes directly back to St. Peter’s Studio Dental Clinic. We will not share your information with any marketing or outside agencies.

The information you provide through this system will enable us to spend less time with paperwork and more time focused on your needs during your appointment.

For the meanwhile, please stay safe, and I will see you all soon.

Best wishes,
Dr. Hema Mistry